Achievement (Domestic)
Study on the implementation of Technical and Operational Standard for LPV-200 (Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance) with the use of SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System)
Contract year : 2020
Customer : Civil Aviation Bureau (CAB), MLIT
Customer : Civil Aviation Bureau (CAB), MLIT
[Outline of Project]
The approach procedures for LPV-200 are already widely implemented in the USA with the use of WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and in Europe with the use of EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service). Japan is now planning to introduce LPV-200 with the use of MSAS (Michibiki Satellite Augmentation System). By studying the approach procedures for LPV-200 in the USA and Europe, the implementation plan for MSAS for technical and operational standards was developed.